See the full Terms of Reference HERE.
Search for Common Ground (Search) is seeking consultants (a group or a firm) to conduct a comprehensive baseline study for our strategic peacebuilding programme, "From grassroots to global: empowering communities in peacebuilding policy," which is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This baseline study aims to establish a foundational understanding of the current context regarding the influence of local actors on multi-level peacebuilding practices and policies in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Niger, and the Palestinian Territories at local, national and international level (and vice versa).
We are primarily interested in understanding:
1. The capacity and agency of locally-rooted peacebuilders in enhancing community resilience and transforming violent conflicts;
2. The effectiveness of grassroots practices in influencing policy based on evidence from locally-rooted programmes;
3. The current ability of the international system to identify gaps in conflict prevention and peacebuilding, and the ability to respond to that analysis with early action (responsiveness);
4. The values and relevance of the project indicators and the analysis/integration of locally-led indicators in the baseline for future impact measurement of project interventions.
This baseline study is conducted in alignment with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs grants decree and the 'Contributing to Peaceful and Safe Societies 2024-2031' grant policy framework. This study will align with the MFA’s 'contributing to peaceful and safe societies' framework, incorporating IOB quality criteria for evaluations and ensuring that the study's findings contribute to the overarching MEL objectives of the grant program. It includes a comprehensive policy analysis component, identifying key policies and evaluating their current status and relevance in the context of peacebuilding efforts. It will inform both the initiation of the project and subsequent evaluations, contributing to the program’s broader policy influence objectives.
Proposals submitted should include a comprehensive plan to analyze these aspects, ensuring robust insights into how programming, context, and observed changes are interrelated. The study should consider crucial demographic factors such as gender, age, and other relevant details.
Candidates must have proven experience in conducting baseline studies for multi-country programmes, particularly in fragile and conflict-affected settings, and in analyzing norms to explain the relationship between programming, context, and the changes observed.
Additionally, we require members of the team to have proven experience in analyzing policy and advocacy work at the international level and a strong knowledge of international stakeholders in the areas.
Search is embarking on a strategic programme aimed at empowering local actors in fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCAS) to meaningfully and durably influence multi-level peacebuilding practices and policies. This programme seeks to strengthen peaceful and safe societies through locally-led initiatives, fostering long-term trust, social cohesion, and resilience to conflict. "From grassroots to global: empowering communities in peacebuilding policy" will be implemented for eight years, until December 2031.
Currently, local actors, essential in conflict resolution, face barriers to shaping strategies due to limited
engagement in decision-making forums and shrinking civic spaces. Their insights often go unrecognized,
hindering effective conflict prevention and resolution efforts that integrate local, regional, and international perspectives. Moreover, the peacebuilding sector struggles to advocate effectively, lacking a cohesive, evidence-based narrative that resonates with policymakers amidst growing militarization trends (source: programme proposal, Search 2024).
The project is designed to make a compelling policy case for peacebuilding by empowering local-level peacebuilders across fragile and conflict-affected settings. Drawing on programming and learning experiences from Afghanistan, the DRC, Niger, and the Palestinian Territories, the initiative aims to foster locally-led, adaptive peacebuilding practices and advocate for sustainable policy changes at national and international levels.
Strategic Objectives: Empower local actors in FCAS to meaningfully and durably influence multi-level peacebuilding practices and policies that contribute to strengthening peaceful and safe societies
This overall objective will be delivered through the achievement of two programme outcomes (POs), specifically:
- PO1: Foster locally-led, adaptive peacebuilding programming in FCAS.
- PO2: Build the case for international policy, diplomatic, and financial support for long-term peacebuilding in FCAS.
Progress toward achievement of the long-term outcomes will be measured against two intermediate outcomes (IOs), specifically:
- IO1: Locally-rooted peacebuilders have increased agency to enhance community resilience, transform violent conflicts, and shape and realize their agenda for inclusive peace.
- IO2: Diplomatic, policy, and financial support for peacebuilding is more responsive to changes in context and informed by programme outcomes and best practices from across the peacebuilding sector.
Objectives of Study*
Objective 1: Evaluate the capacity, agency, and needs of local peacebuilders
● Assess who the peacebuilders are in the target areas and evaluate their current capacity and access to resources and spheres of influence. This includes assessing past work of selected individuals and partners in the field of policy and their level of influence (including priorities and added value).
● Identify what is needed to empower these local individuals and organizations to influence policies (local, national and international) effectively and have their voices heard in decision-making forums.
● Examine the barriers they face in shaping peacebuilding strategies.
Objective 2: Assess grassroots practices in influencing policy
● Analyze how grassroots peacebuilders (local communities -including women and young people- and local organizations) currently influence policy and if it is based on evidence.
● Identify the key successes and challenges faced by these actors in their advocacy efforts.
● Evaluate the responsiveness of local, national, and international institutions (policymakers, implementers, donors) to these advocacy efforts
● Determine the barriers to effective collaboration and evidence-sharing among peacebuilding practitioners (local communities - including women and young people - and local organizations) at various levels.
Objective 3: Analyze the influence of multi-level peacebuilding practices and policies
● Identify and assess key policies relevant to peacebuilding efforts in the target countries and the global context, including their current status, relevance, and impact.
● Examine how current multi-level peacebuilding practices and local/regional/international policies are influenced by on-the-ground experiences and evidence and how the program can influence both country and global policies and how to ensure a learning loop among these three.
● Identify the current ability of the international system to identify gaps in conflict prevention and peacebuilding, and the ability to respond to that analysis with early action (responsiveness)
● Assess how peacebuilding experiences and evidence can be better leveraged to influence policy changes and improve conflict-sensitive interventions.
● Assess the current status of Search's vision documents and learning goals, particularly in relation to locally-led development, adaptive programming, and thematic/institutional approaches
Objective 4: Collect baseline data for indicators and analyze locally led indicators
● Collect initial values for the project's indicators* to establish a baseline.
● Analyze locally-led indicators for future impact measurement of the project interventions*.
* The objectives and research questions are proposed as a starting point. The research team will work closely with Search during the inception phase to review and refine these questions. A reference group composed of representatives from EAP/GAP, SAT, and country teams from Search will be established to facilitate this process with the consultants. This group will provide oversight, guidance, and feedback throughout the baseline study process.
*List of indicators to capture during this baseline will be provided by Search during the inception meeting
*As part of this process, Search wants to employ the Grounded Accountability Model (GAM) to engage in participatory community consultations. These consultations will enable the program to identify locally-rooted priorities and select community-defined indicators that reflect the unique contexts and aspirations of the communities involved. Search will be leading this GAM process, however the applicant will be working with Search country teams for this specific component of the study (this will be defined with the applicant during the inception phase of the consultancy). Search will organize a comprehensive session with the applicant during the inception phase to define the collaborative approach on this component
Geographic Locations
The project will center on implementing and studying peacebuilding initiatives in Afghanistan, the DRC, Niger, and the Palestinian Territories. Data collection efforts will specifically engage policymakers and institutional actors within these countries and international level.
Requirements of the applicant- Expertise and experience in peacebuilding and conflict-affected areas such as Afghanistan, Niger, Palestine territories and DRC: demonstrated experience in conducting research and evaluations within FCAS, with a strong understanding of peacebuilding dynamics, local governance structures, and conflict resolution mechanisms (more than 7 years of experience);
- Demonstrate experience in conducting evaluations that align with the IOB criteria ensuring high-quality, credible findings that can inform policy and programmatic decisions;
- Mixed methods research proficiency: proven ability to design and implement mixed methods approaches, combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies to capture nuanced insights into peacebuilding practices and policy influence. Experience in leveraging both methods effectively to validate findings and enhance data reliability (more than 10 years of experience);
- Policy and advocacy expertise: experience in policy analysis at national and international levels with strong knowledge of international stakeholders in the domain. (more than 10 years of experience);
- Data management and quality Assurance: skills in developing and implementing data collection tools, ensuring they are culturally sensitive, ethical, and aligned with study objectives. Proficiency in data entry, cleaning, analysis, and interpretation, with a commitment to maintaining data integrity and confidentiality (more than 10 years of experience);
- Community engagement and ethical standards: ability to engage effectively with diverse stakeholders, including local communities, civil society organizations, and government officials, ensuring informed consent, confidentiality, and respect for cultural sensitivities throughout the research process;
- Gender and conflict sensitivity: understanding of gender dynamics in conflict contexts and proficiency in integrating a gender-sensitive approach into research methodologies. Capability to analyze data through a gender lens, uncovering gender-specific barriers and opportunities in peacebuilding efforts;
- Reporting and communication skills: strong writing and communication skills, with the ability to produce clear, concise, and actionable reports tailored to different audiences, including policymakers, donors, and community stakeholders. Experience in presenting research findings effectively through workshops, conferences, and publications;
- Languages: Proficiency in English and French (written and spoken).
Budget- The budget available for this consultancy is 70.000 EUR.
ApplicationsTo apply, interested teams are requested to submit the following documents:
- A technical proposal outlining the methodology (including proposed timeline) for the baseline together with a financial proposal for the completion of the baseline (these 2 documents should be merged in 1 PDF document);
- A short cover letter including links to at least 3 evaluations done,
- A curriculum vitae for all members of the team;
- 2 most recent evaluation reports
Note: Up to 6 documents can be uploaded to the system
Applications must be submitted by September 15, 2024.
See the full Terms of Reference HERE.
As job descriptions cannot be exhaustive, the position holder may be required to undertake other duties that are broadly in line with the above key responsibilities.
Only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please. Please see our website for full details of our work. All Search Employees must adhere to the values: Collaboration- Audacity - Tenacity - Empathy - Results. In accordance with these values, Search enforces compliance with the Code of Conduct and related policies on Anti Workplace Harassment, Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Conflict of Interest, and Anti-fraud. Search is committed to safeguarding the interests, rights, and well-being of children, youth, and vulnerable adults with whom it is in contact and to conducting its programs and operations in a manner that is safe for children, youth, and vulnerable adults. Search for Common Ground does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. View our code of conduct here and our privacy policy here.
Les descriptifs de pouvant ne pouvant être exhaustifs, le titulaire du poste pourra être amené à entreprendre d'autres tâches qui correspondent globalement aux responsabilités clés ci-dessus.
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Seuls les candidats invités à un entretien seront contactés. Pas d'appels téléphoniques s'il vous plaît. Veuillez consulter notre site Web pour tous les détails de notre mission.
Tous les employés de Search doivent adhérer aux valeurs de Search : Collaboration- Audace - Ténacité - Empathie - Résultats. Conformément à ces valeurs, Search fait respecter le code de conduite et les politiques connexes sur la lutte contre le harcèlement au travail, la protection contre l'exploitation et les abus, la protection des enfants, les conflits d'intérêts et la lutte contre la fraude. Search s'engage à préserver les intérêts, les droits et le bien-être des enfants, des jeunes et des adultes vulnérables avec lesquels elle est en contact et à mener ses programmes et ses opérations d'une manière qui soit sûre pour les enfants, les jeunes et les adultes vulnérables.
Search for Common Ground ne fait pas et ne doit pas faire de discrimination fondée sur la race, la couleur, la religion (croyance), le sexe, l'expression de genre, l'âge, l'origine nationale (ascendance), le handicap, l'état matrimonial, l'orientation sexuelle ou le statut militaire, dans aucune de ses activités ou opérations.
Consultez notre code de conduite ici et notre politique de confidentialité ici.
Dado que la descripción de funciones no puede ser exhaustiva, el titular del puesto puede tener que realizar otras tareas que coinciden en líneas generales con las responsabilidades clave mencionadas.
Sólo se contactará con los candidatos invitados a una entrevista. Se agradece no recibir llamadas telefónicas. Consulte nuestro sitio web para conocer todos los detalles de nuestro trabajo. Todos los empleados de Search deben adherirse a los valores de la organización: Colaboración - Audacia - Tenacidad - Empatía - Resultados. De acuerdo con estos valores, Search hace cumplir el Código de Conducta y las políticas relacionadas con luchar contra el acoso en el lugar de trabajo, la protección contra la explotación y el abuso, la protección de la infancia, los conflictos de intereses y la lucha contra el fraude. Search se compromete a salvaguardar los intereses, derechos y bienestar de los niños, jóvenes y adultos vulnerables con los que está en contacto y a llevar a cabo sus programas y operaciones de una manera que sea segura para los niños, jóvenes y adultos vulnerables. Search for Common Ground no discrimina ni discriminará por motivos de raza, color, religión (credo), género, expresión de género, edad, origen nacional (ascendencia), discapacidad, estado civil, orientación sexual o condición militar, en ninguna de sus actividades u operaciones. Consulte nuestro código de conducta aquí y nuestra política de privacidad aquí.