The Fabulous goal is to help people all over the world master the art of behavior change and build healthy habits. In joining the team, you will become a part of helping millions achieve their goals and change their lives.
At Fabulous, our Growth team packs a one-two punch. Our team is made up of behavioral scientists and growth product managers. We're unique in the tech/health & wellness world, applying behavioral insights to help better our product, inform our experimentation, and optimize our growth work.
We're looking for someone who is highly analytical and creative to join our team as the Growth Engineer Intern for a 6-month placement.
Working at Fabulous
Fabulous is a mobile app helping thousands of people every day to change their lifestyles by integrating healthy habits into their lives. Fabulous is using a behavioral economics lens to help everyone achieve their fullest potential. We work closely with researchers based at Duke University and our advisor is Dan Ariely, author of NYT bestseller Predictably Irrational.
Featured on
Michelangelo, the famous Italian sculptor, once said: "Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."
At Fabulous, every team member is a sculptor in their own right. Together, we help millions of users step out of their block of stone and step into the fullest version of their life.
- Apple Best Apps of 2018
- Editor's app choice in more than 30 countries.
- Winner of Google's Material Design Award
- Best App Finalist in Google Play Awards
- Ranked 5th Health & Fitness app
Support the entire experimentation processes of the Growth team. Code, analyze and work in every facet of the Growth workstreams. Collaborate with the Product Development team and the Data Science team. earn and train in the skills of growth product management/product management.
- Peer-reviewing Growth code and assisting in code review for Growth experiment
- Assisting with experiment launches on Google Firebase
- Debugging code and working closely with the product development team
- Assist in QAing new features prior to releases
- Peer-reviewing experiment analysis
- Owning the translations of winning experiments into other languages/across platforms, and owning this experimentation process from start to finish.